
Business Tips

The Best Advice You’ll Ever Hear

People keep searching for different ways to get more exposure on social media; finding creative ways to get more followers, clicks, and likes. Those people have forgotten their ‘Why’; the reason they started this business in the first place. Here’s some of the best freelance business advice we heard: Not to sound cliche, but Just Do it! Stop asking people if you should start your business, and just go for it. There’s no time like the present.Remember to mainly do this for yourself, because trying to appeal to all crowds never works, and it’ll only make you miserable.Look outside your social circle to get real exposure. Talk to magazines, websites, and other people whose work you admire. Don’t engage your followers....

People keep searching for dif...

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Compete with Large Businesses

You have plenty to offer that large companies aren’t ready to provide, and you distinguish yourself by using a few helpful strategies. Begin with these steps: Pursue your niche. Big companies try to do everything, you should do the opposite. Think about what your ideal customer needs and focus your services to fill those needs, and you will land more work from clients. Get personal. As a freelancer, you can directly address your clients’ needs from the beginning of the project to establish long-term trust and loyalty. Show flexibly. Most clients choose to hire freelancers because they are fixable expert professionals. Tailor your service scope and price based on each project. Build a reliable network. Word of mouth recommendation is the...

You have plenty to offer that...

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Think BIG for Your Small Business

Your business may be small, but it is big enough to experiment, break rules and innovate. Don’t stand in your own way; be brave enough to create new possibilities.Teamup Team How? These steps will help: Look forward. Think about your future; what problem is your business solving, how has it changed? Having a problem to solve will drive your business, and keeping the big picture in mind will help you focus and not worry about small details. Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist (Picasso said that). Having knowledge about what you are doing will help you make better decisions. Knowing the basics will help you break rules and create something new.Think big, but start...

Your business may be small, b...

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How to Grow as a Solo-Entrepreneur

Growing your business into a successful brand is a full-time job. It will take time, there’s no way out of it. However, you can make things easier for yourself by: It will take time, there’s no way out of it. However, you can make things easier for yourself by: Starting the day with a plan. Mark important deadlines & due dates in a synced calendar, and make a list of everything you need to do for the day.Automating the little things. This will save time, so you can focus on more important things because you can’t do everything at once.Getting connected. Grow your business’s awareness and your network by attending events, workshops, and pop-ups that are relevant to your business.Broadcasting. Start by...

Growing your business into a ...

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Start Thinking Like A Business-owner

Pursuing your passion on your own terms is what freelancing is all about, right? Yes… And no.  Your passion drives you to work, but passion alone is not enough to sustain your business. You need entrepreneurship skills to help you manage your business successfully.Teamup Team Start by thinking of yourself as an ‘owner’ who runs his/her freelancing business. This simple perspective shift will help you make better decisions. And remember: Don’t be discouraged by fear. It’s easy to fall into self-doubt, but keep creating and working on projects. The more your work, the more experienced you’ll be, and the more confident you’ll feel.Let your confidence guide you. Stepping into the role of a business owner will make you think differently, and that will...

Pursuing your passion on your...

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Landing a Full-time Freelance Contract

The best thing to help you succeed as a freelancer or business owner is to maintain a steady income. One way to do that is by landing a full-time contract/ long-term commission.  So, when you get a full-time contract opportunity, remember these tips from Scout Books to land that job: Re-read the requirements more than once. You will notice more details the recruiter wants you to pay attention to.When applying, always present your best self, giving the hiring manager as few reasons to say no as possible. Update your resume, and include a well-written cover letter. Show that you can work well within a team. Companies want to know if you will be a good fit.Highlight relevant special skills, and list everything that makes...

The best thing to help you su...

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Freelancing During Ramadan

Wishing you all a blessed Ramadan! ✨? For those of you who are working during Ramadan, don't worry, fasting is an amazing tool that does a lot of good to your body. It boosts your energy (yes!) and improves productivity. How? One main reason.Food will not be a distraction in your workday. Here are more reasons why fasting improves your productivity: You won't be thinking about food.Your body won't spend so much energy digesting it. And so, You will go into fat-burning mode, which is why,Your body's energy will increase!Your body will detox from habits that cause you stress.Your brain will think clearly and its functionality will improve. ...

Wishing you all a blessed Ram...

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How to Start a Business While Working

Many of us are not very passionate about their day job. But it's a steady income for you to pay your bills, and gives you a clear mind space to focus on what you really love doing. No matter how successful you feel as a an 'on the side freelancer' be sure to not quit your job until your business can support itself.Teamup Team Until then, here are a few things to keep in mind when you decide to start a freelance business while working full-time: Define your goals.Find a profitable nicheIdentify your target clients.Set strategic prices for your services.Build a high-quality portfolio website.Create examples of what you can deliver (on your portfolio)Thoughtfully choose your first clients.Mention potential clients in your content.learn how...

Many of us are not very passi...

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Contract Mistakes to Avoid

Many freelancers are afraid of writing contracts, and so they avoid it. Trust us, that is the worst thing to do!  A good contract protects you and your work, shows the client how professional you are, and eases communication.Teamup Team When writing a contract stick to the basics, use clear language, set your main terms, and please AVOID these mistakes: Listing only deliverables. Tell the client 'what you offer' instead of 'what they get' (ex.' 3 logo concept options', instead 'new logo')Not offering 'add-on' options. Most clients need more than what they ask for, make sure your contract anticipates those needs.Not asking for payment. Include how you want the client to pay you (50% upfront, or in full...

Many freelancers are afraid o...

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How to Freelance Like A Boss

To have a successful freelance career in any field you must empower yourself with some important business skills. Teamup Team Select your clients carefully, not all projects suit your brand. Manage your time efficiently, set milestones for project work.Learn how to present your work and sell your services to clients.Understand your client's business, to better solve problems.Price your work to include your talent, time and value.Set boundaries between you and the client to balance work/life.Know your strengths, they make you & your work memorable. ...

To have a successful freelanc...

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