
book reading Tag

Recommendation: “Know Your Onions”, a book for graphic designing in businesses

If you’ve ever felt lost in your business, like you have no idea what you’re doing, or how to make a profit from your design business, we have the perfect book to help: Know Your Onions by Drew de Soto. The book will help you work faster, smarter, and unleash your creativity so you know exactly what to do, and how to handle all the aspects of your graphic design business. It’s like a skills-accelerator; it will teach you how to think like a creative, act like a businessman and design like a boss! This one is dedicated to graphic designers, and there’s another one for web designers. ...

If you’ve ever felt lost in y...

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Business Guide for Artists and Designers

The perfect book to answer the most pressing questions about setting your creative freelance business: The Pocket Business Guide for Artists & Designers by Alison Branagan. The book gives 100 useful business tips, especially helpful for fresh graduates and those just starting their creative business journey. We love that it is divided into sections (business, promotions, legal stuff, money, and last thoughts) that are designed to walk you through what you need to know to achieve success. ...

The perfect book to answer th...

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Recommendation: “Company of One”: business book

Working on growing your business is great, but what’s more important is making your business better instead of bigger; quality over quantity. We recommend this book that will help you do just that. Company of One, by Paul Jarvis, is a guide that focuses on the idea that staying small and avoiding expansion can be more profitable and more enjoyable over time, and will make you feel more fulfilled as a business.  ...

Working on growing your busin...

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Recommendation: “This Is Marketing”: Seth Godin Book

Marketing is hard work, and it’s not easy, but it’s is an adventure intended to create meaningful change in the world. If you’re struggling with marketing your business, we have the resource to help you: ‘This is Marketing’ by Seth Godin. The book shares how marketing works to build long term results for your business. It’s an enjoyable read, filled with case studies that are relevant and insightful. We love Seth’s advice and perspective on marketing. Read this book! ...

Marketing is hard work, and i...

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