
Business Management Tag

Interview with: Wijdan Sharafuddin وجدان شرف الدين (Freelance Digital Graphic Designer)

أول ما تخرجت من المدرسة حسيت إني ضايعة، كل الناس يخططوا مستقبلهم، وأنا ما أعرف مستقبلي. فقررت أتوكل وأقدم على أول مجال فكرت فيه ”التصميم الجرافيكي“، بدون أي علم عنه. أكبر مخاوفي كانت إني أخيب ظن أهلي، لكن الحمد لله، حبيت التخصص، بالذات فن الكولاج، وبدأت مشروح أحلامي ”فزلكة كو.“ في السنة الرابعة مع أعز صديقاتي. واجهت صعوبة في الموازنة بين واجباتي الجامعية وإدارة مشروع تجاري، لكن شغفي دفعني للاستمرار. لما تخرجت، كنت متحمسة للشغل، وكان عندي خيارين: الشغل في وكالة تصميم، أو في شركة كبيرة براتب عالي. الكل نصحني بالشركة، وبدأت فيها، لأنها الخطوة الأنسب لمستقبلي المهني. بعد ثلاثة أشهر، حسيت بأني محدودة في الإبداع، وهذا دفعني للتغيير. لأن السعادة المهنية ماهي متعلقة باسم الشركة ولا الراتب، لكن بالعمل...

أول ما تخرجت من المدرسة حسيت ...

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Interview with: Najia Alfadl ناجية الفضل (Saudi Crossfit and Calisthenics coach)

My journey in fitness started after graduating from high school in Saudi. I planned to study abroad but my dad didn’t approve, so I decided to take a semester off to come up with plan B. I suffered from severe anxiety and depression. I tend to bottle my struggles and figure things out on my own until I reach a breaking point. I needed to become emotionally & mentally healthy, so I started training with Hala Alhamrani, at Flag-boxing.  Slowly, it became addictive. I was training 8 times a week, sometimes more. At first I didn’t enjoy it, but I learned to love it, and it became natural. Of course my stress and anxiety tried to take over my training, but...

My journey in fitness started...

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Learning with

The best way to become a better business owner is to keep learning. About business, marketing, finances, and anything that can help you run your small business better. We have a great resource to help you do that: A library full of online training courses in various fields. Check it out! المواصلة في التعلم هي أفضل طريقة لتنمو كصاحب عمل. ننصحك بموقع ”دورات“ أول موقع إلكتروني يوفر دورات تدريبية في الشرق الأوسط. الموقع يشمل دورات ومحاضرات وورش عمل من مجلات مختلفة في مكان .واحد. ادخل على الموقع وشوف عروض العودة إلى المدارس! ...

The best way to become a bett...

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Why You Should Use Responsive Web Design

There’s nothing worse than using a website that looks great on your computer and then turns horribly small and weird when you open it on your mobile. Teamup Team. Small business owners with a website of their own need to keep in mind how their users and target audience will use the site; will they open it to browse on their desktop, are they having breakfast while quickly scrolling through it on the phone, or somewhere in between…?  As a business owner, it’s your responsibility to consider all the possible uses of your product, and then design and build accordingly. So, now that your business is up and running, and developing new marketing strategies, consider enhancing your user’s experience on your website by...

There’s nothing worse than us...

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Become A Financially Successful Freelancer

The road to financial success for a freelancer is challenging since most freelancers don’t know where to begin when it comes to legal things of their business. We have a resource to help you with that: How to Become A Successful Freelancer book by Chris Brown (no, not the singer). The book talks about all the logistics of opening up a freelance business, including the type of company you need, managing finances, client agreements, copyright and trademark laws…etc.  Click the link below to download a free copy of the e-book! ...

The road to financial success...

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Quit Your Job and Start Your Small Freelance Business.

Having a job makes you feel secure, but you don’y have to stick to it if your passion lies elsewhere. Teamup Team Now, we don’t mean that you should go ahead and quit because your work is not your passion. But if you’d be happier making a living from your side hustle, these steps would help you out in the process: Have a vision. Keep your end goal in mind as you plan for setting up your business. This will help set a clear path for yourself and your company.Decide on the structure of the business. The way your freelance business operates depends on the type of services it offers, so learn what works for you.Set up your finances. Before you begin...

Having a job makes you feel s...

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Mailchimp: Email Marketing

For everyone who’s been asking about business marketing, we are going to recommend you a great source: Mailchimp! It’s an online marketing platform that helps small businesses (like yours) stay connected to their audience and grow their customer base. You can create well-designed email campaigns, keep track of your audience with lists, spread the word with social media and ads, and track how your emails are doing with statistics. The best thing about it is that you don’t need a marketing background to create campaigns, the website is very easy to use with many customizable templates. There’s also a free version with all the basics for startups! ...

For everyone who’s been askin...

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Your Business Can Innovate Like Google

Yes, it can!Big corporations have the resources, but you have the agility and proximity of team members. To innovative as Google when launching your product/services, all you need to do is: Set a deadline for your launch: 100 days.Assign a specific team to be in charge of the process. This person will be responsible for driving your team, keeping them engaged, and push for speed. You don’t need to outsource consultants, just choose someone from your team who is comfortable with challenges, has enough authority to make decisions and get others to follow their lead. Start with the first most important problem to solve. Most small businesses would come up with new initiatives that are irrelevant to their services. Don’t do that. Decide what...

Yes, it can!Big corporations ...

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Designers Shaping Business Strategy

Business and design don’t always go hand-in-hand. People usually come up with a business plan first, and then bring a designer to implement. That doesn’t always work. Companies flourish when their products answer human needs. And if you want your business strategy to be inherent in your product, the strategy has to be inherent in the design.Teamup Team So how can your designer shape your business strategy? Designers understand the business landscape differently than the business guys. Where you see increased time on site, a designer might wonder if some interactions could produce less friction. Where you see users, designers see people. A designer will push back on ideas that might undermine the product’s design. He/she will ask questions that help you develop...

Business and design don’t alw...

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Recommendation: “Know Your Onions”, a book for graphic designing in businesses

If you’ve ever felt lost in your business, like you have no idea what you’re doing, or how to make a profit from your design business, we have the perfect book to help: Know Your Onions by Drew de Soto. The book will help you work faster, smarter, and unleash your creativity so you know exactly what to do, and how to handle all the aspects of your graphic design business. It’s like a skills-accelerator; it will teach you how to think like a creative, act like a businessman and design like a boss! This one is dedicated to graphic designers, and there’s another one for web designers. ...

If you’ve ever felt lost in y...

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