
Business Management Tag

How to Design A Blog for Your Business

A blog is a good place to express what you have to say as a business. You can also showcase your business’s brand, passions, and what you care about. Staying a goal-oriented business will attract more audiences.Teamup Team Here are a few tips to help: List all the requirements you need the blog to have, and set priorities for each.Gather some inspiration from other blogs you like.Focus on your business objective and be creative on how to achieve it.Develop a general concept, and decide on a few consistent elements to use.Encourage all your team members to brainstorm ideas.Use original content that is unique and relevant to your business.Important blog-design elements: clean typography, layout, and navigation.Listen to your developer about balancing blog performance...

A blog is a good place to exp...

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Business Guide for Artists and Designers

The perfect book to answer the most pressing questions about setting your creative freelance business: The Pocket Business Guide for Artists & Designers by Alison Branagan. The book gives 100 useful business tips, especially helpful for fresh graduates and those just starting their creative business journey. We love that it is divided into sections (business, promotions, legal stuff, money, and last thoughts) that are designed to walk you through what you need to know to achieve success. ...

The perfect book to answer th...

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TEEM App: Small Business Management Tool

Every small business owner knows the struggle of keeping track of your business and creating the work that keeps it running. It’s hard! And if you’re a one-woman company? Difficulty x 5, because you’re not only the founder, you’re also the designer/ accountant/ marketer/ finance person…etc. It’s impossible! How can anyone manage? Don’t worry. We got you. Our tool will help you manage your finances, create custom proposals and contracts, with ease and efficiency, so you can focus on doing what you love. We know you’re a strong and independent BAWS, who doesn't need anyone, but it's okay to get assistance. We’re here to help! Go to for a free trial. ...

Every small business owner kn...

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Art Inc: book for professional artists

Who said you have to suffer to be an artist? To create emotional art? In some cases, maybe. To build a career doing what you love? Not at all.  Art, Inc: The essential guide for building your career as an artist, written by professional artist Lisa Congdon, is a practical guide that will help you earn a living by making art. The book talks about creating illustrations, licensing, pricing, selling art, teaching art, marketing your art, and so much more.  We love that it has a lot of advice from the successful artists in different fields. So, if you want to turn your passion into a profitable business, read this book! ...

Who said you have to suffer t...

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Finding Your Design Voice

As a designer, you are free to work as you please—your field gives you the rare opportunity to match your skills to your interests, and combine your talent with issues you care about. This sweet spot is where your design shines.Teamup Team Still, there are things you can do to find your design voice: Work with people/brands that interest you. Your passion will drive you to excel.Feel free to change your style and process, if you like. It’s perfectly okay!Experiment at every opportunity; (great designs demand bravery!)Master the fundamentals first to develop the tools you need to find your own style. (Picasso mastered classical art before he was famous for cubist art)Practice makes you better, and with that, your design voice will shine! So...

As a designer, you are free t...

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Grow Your Business in 2019

Failure is part of the process when starting a small business; there’s no avoiding it. However, as a business owner, you can get ahead by learning from others’ mistakes. How? By doing your research to set yourself up for success. And to help you succeed, we’ve done the research for you, and now present to you these tried and tested tips: Automate everything you can, from email replies to your business news, and stay true to yourself—keep people engaged and informed about your business. Grow your audience, by designing a good web page, offering promotions, and running ads to drive people to your business.Learn more about your customer, and record their information. Use demographics to target content and invest your customer service.Optimize...

Failure is part of the proces...

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Hootsuite: Manage Your Social Media

We talked about marketing earlier this week, and we hope some of you have already started implementing business marketing strategies. If so, we have a great resource to help you with that: Hootsuite app and website. Hootsuite is a game-changer! It helps you manage all aspects of your business’s social media in one place. All you have to do it add your business accounts (from Instagram, Facebook, twitter…etc) upload your content, schedule it to post and track the results. It’s so easy, we love it! ...

We talked about marketing ear...

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Build A Brand for Your Business

Building a brand for your business is challenging, but there’s no rule that says you have to do it all by yourself. A good business owner knows when to delegate—hire a designer, not just for a logo, but to create context and extend your brand’s vision.Teamup Team Here are a few tips on how to communicate better with your designer: Invite them to meet you in a relaxed setting; a café maybe, not your office, so you can have an easy conversation.Don’t be afraid to say that you have no design background, so the designer can explain things more clearly, in an easy language you will understand.Discuss your business’s goals from the start, and talk about your ‘why’. Feel free to share...

Building a brand for your bus...

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Tell Better Stories About Your Work

Remember in class, when you had to not only show your final work but give a good presentation about it? This is what you need to do when showing your portfolio to a prospective client. Your portfolio needs your stories; they are what make you stand out. The story behind your designs can transform a potential client’s perspective about them. Teamup Team Here are some tips on how to do that: Design your site to sell your design experience. Show work you did for other clients, and explain how you helped them achieve their vision.Reduce your portfolio to just include work you can tell a complete story about the strategy you used, and the final result. Show design pieces with different stories,...

Remember in class, when you h...

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