
Business tips Tag

7 نصائح مذهلة لأولئك الذين يحلمون لبدء أعمالهم التجارية الخاصة

كلنا نحاول إبراز أعمالنا ومشاريعنا على السوشال ميدا، بأي طريقة. ونقيس نجاحنا بزيادة عدد اللايكس والمتابعين في الانستجرام. لكن أغلب الأعمال إلي بس تعتمد على هذه الأرقام ماتكمل. ليش؟ لأنها تخلت عن أهدافها إلي دفعتها لبدء هذا المشروع. طيب والحل؟ هذه أفضل نصيحة ممكن تسمعها كصاحب بزنس أو عمل حر: إبدأ بدون تردد. استشرت كل الناس، والآن صار الوقت إلي لازم تتوكل وتخطي خطوتك الأولى.تذكر إن هذا مشروعك بدأته لشغف معين. ومهما حاولت، إرضاء الآخرين غاية لاتُدرك.حاول توسع دائرة معارفك بإنك تتعرف على أشخاص جدد. جرب تتواصل مع حسابات البزنس إلي تعجبك مشاريعها في انستجرام.اسمع لآراء متابعينك، وشاركهم أفكارك عشان يحسوا إنهم جزء من عملك ويتجاوبوا معك.  إذا حاولت قد ما تقدر وتحس عملك مو ماشي، أو ماصار ممتع أبداً، اتركه وتعلم من...

كلنا نحاول إبراز أعمالنا ومشا...

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Why You Should Use Responsive Web Design

There’s nothing worse than using a website that looks great on your computer and then turns horribly small and weird when you open it on your mobile. Teamup Team. Small business owners with a website of their own need to keep in mind how their users and target audience will use the site; will they open it to browse on their desktop, are they having breakfast while quickly scrolling through it on the phone, or somewhere in between…?  As a business owner, it’s your responsibility to consider all the possible uses of your product, and then design and build accordingly. So, now that your business is up and running, and developing new marketing strategies, consider enhancing your user’s experience on your website by...

There’s nothing worse than us...

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How to Not Get Distracted Working Remotely

Oh, the freedom of working from the comfort of your home…or your favorite cafe! Being a small business owner might feel like freelancing sometimes, especially if you’re just starting out. But with freedom comes responsibility—you still need to maintain an “office vibe” for yourself so you can get work done. Teamup Team Here are some ways to do that: Stick to a routine. Less decisions means less time spent stressing about them, which also reduces your subconscious urge to procrastinate.Arrange your work schedule around when you will be most productive. Leave out an hour or two for flexibility in your schedule, in case something comes up.No matter where you like to work, make sure you’re in a clutter-free environment.  Take a few minutes...

Oh, the freedom of working fr...

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Get organized with

Organization is key to smooth workflow, and the more your work flows the more you’ll feel like the boss of your business. Teamup Team We have just the tool to help you do that:  Monday (previously known as DaPulse) is an online tool/app that is great in helping businesses and teams (of any kind) organize their work in one beautiful virtual space. You can create task lists, project dashboards, update your team members about work progress, and so much more! They have templates to help you stay focused, and you can customize them depending on what you’re working on. We love it! ...

Organization is key to smooth...

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Become A Financially Successful Freelancer

The road to financial success for a freelancer is challenging since most freelancers don’t know where to begin when it comes to legal things of their business. We have a resource to help you with that: How to Become A Successful Freelancer book by Chris Brown (no, not the singer). The book talks about all the logistics of opening up a freelance business, including the type of company you need, managing finances, client agreements, copyright and trademark laws…etc.  Click the link below to download a free copy of the e-book! ...

The road to financial success...

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Mailchimp: Email Marketing

For everyone who’s been asking about business marketing, we are going to recommend you a great source: Mailchimp! It’s an online marketing platform that helps small businesses (like yours) stay connected to their audience and grow their customer base. You can create well-designed email campaigns, keep track of your audience with lists, spread the word with social media and ads, and track how your emails are doing with statistics. The best thing about it is that you don’t need a marketing background to create campaigns, the website is very easy to use with many customizable templates. There’s also a free version with all the basics for startups! ...

For everyone who’s been askin...

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How to Design A Blog for Your Business

A blog is a good place to express what you have to say as a business. You can also showcase your business’s brand, passions, and what you care about. Staying a goal-oriented business will attract more audiences.Teamup Team Here are a few tips to help: List all the requirements you need the blog to have, and set priorities for each.Gather some inspiration from other blogs you like.Focus on your business objective and be creative on how to achieve it.Develop a general concept, and decide on a few consistent elements to use.Encourage all your team members to brainstorm ideas.Use original content that is unique and relevant to your business.Important blog-design elements: clean typography, layout, and navigation.Listen to your developer about balancing blog performance...

A blog is a good place to exp...

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Why Designers Must Learn about Business

Okay, we’re not saying that you need to have a solid business background, but as a designer, you need to understand the business you work for, so you can have insightful conversations, offer valuable input, and help the business succeed.Teamup Team Companies like Airbnb, facebook, google, and slack use design-led solutions to impact the core of their businesses, by having designers focus more on what the business needs than how perfect every pixel looks. How can you do that? Start by figure out what your organization needs in order to grow, and then think about how design can help you achieve that. Learn about business principles; how to choose business models, how to manage teams, how to conduct competitive analysis, how to make...

Okay, we’re not saying that y...

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