
Business woman Tag

Top Features of the Teem Business Management Tool

Going into Teem’s website, you can see that you have 6 features off the bat. Clients, Expenses, Invoices, Proposals, Quotations, and Taxes. But what you don’t see at first glance is the following helpful features of the Teem application.   1. Converting Quotations to Invoices   One of our great features is the ability to create a quotation to send to any client of yours in 5 easy steps. Another feature is creating an invoice. But, once you’ve made a quotation that your client has approved of, you don’t need to tire yourself by going to the "Invoices” tab and creating a new one. Because with a click of a button, you can turn your quotation to an invoice immediately. Just choose the specific...

Going into Teem’s website, you...

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