
Creative Designer Tag

Interview with Nouf Radwan نوف رضوان (Painter and Creative Designer)

القلق والاكتئاب كانوا جزء كبير من حياتي. ماكان عندي أي فكرة عن رغباتي، وما في أي شي يجذب اهتمامي. في ٢٠١٤ اكتشفت عالم الفن، واستخدمته كوسيلة للهروب لأنه ساعدني أنس كل شي. لكن تغير الوضع لما تعرفت على الألوان الزيتية، ومنها تغيرت شخصيتي تماماً. في البداية هوسي بالكمال سيطر عليّ وقلقي انعكس على فني. فقررت أغير طريقتي في الرسم، سمحت لنفسي أرتكب أخطاء بدون ما أهتم بالنتيجة، وكذا قدرت أتقبل نفسي والألوان، وانعكس هذا التغيير في شخصيتي وفني وزاد شغفي بالحياة.  في ٢٠١٨ بدأت أعطي ورش عمل أشارك فيها تجربتي مع الآخرين حتى يشعروا بالتغيير والحب والفرح الناتج من الفن. أحياناً أصعب جزء من الحياة هو التعبير عن مشاعرنا، ومواجهتها أو التخلي عنها. الفن ساعدني أتغلب على هذه المشكلة. وانتوا كيف...

القلق والاكتئاب كانوا جزء كبي...

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Organization Design: book

We talked about the importance of integrating designers in every team of your small business. This book will help you with the next step: Org Design for Design Orgs by Peter Merholz & Kristin Skinner. It will help you build and manage your in-house design teams effectively so that everyone on the team can contribute to enhancing the product and services your company delivers. The book is a practical guide to creating and leading design teams within your own organization, and explore ways to use design as part of your business’s strategy. ...

We talked about the importanc...

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Designers Shaping Business Strategy

Business and design don’t always go hand-in-hand. People usually come up with a business plan first, and then bring a designer to implement. That doesn’t always work. Companies flourish when their products answer human needs. And if you want your business strategy to be inherent in your product, the strategy has to be inherent in the design.Teamup Team So how can your designer shape your business strategy? Designers understand the business landscape differently than the business guys. Where you see increased time on site, a designer might wonder if some interactions could produce less friction. Where you see users, designers see people. A designer will push back on ideas that might undermine the product’s design. He/she will ask questions that help you develop...

Business and design don’t alw...

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Why Designers Must Learn about Business

Okay, we’re not saying that you need to have a solid business background, but as a designer, you need to understand the business you work for, so you can have insightful conversations, offer valuable input, and help the business succeed.Teamup Team Companies like Airbnb, facebook, google, and slack use design-led solutions to impact the core of their businesses, by having designers focus more on what the business needs than how perfect every pixel looks. How can you do that? Start by figure out what your organization needs in order to grow, and then think about how design can help you achieve that. Learn about business principles; how to choose business models, how to manage teams, how to conduct competitive analysis, how to make...

Okay, we’re not saying that y...

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