
freelancersjeddah Tag

Dear client, we need to talk..

Yes, I need to talk about the misconceptions most clients have when working with freelancers. We're going to set the record straight, for all our sakes. So, dear client, here are a few things to keep in mind for when you want to hire a freelancer to work with: Freelancers aren't products you but at the store. Don't treat them this way, as they do not think of you as an ATM.Good work takes time and a budget. The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten. Please don't ask freelancers to work in exchange for 'exposure', or other potential benefits. Like you, they're running a business.The freelancer is not your employee, just as you are not...

Yes, I need to talk about the...

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Freelancing Explained

What is freelancing? Your grandparents hear that your friend is a freelancer, and think they're unemployed. How can you explain so they understand?  Simple.Freelancing is working on a contract basis directly with clients rather than working for a particular employer (job) long-term. four different types of freelancers. Side project freelancers have a part/full-time job and use freelancing to supplement their income after their day job. They are often in the phase of starting their freelance businesses and hope to turn it into a full-time freelance lifestyle.Full-time freelancers: are those that work as a freelancer completing a different project for a number of clients. They often work from home or from shared office spaces and charge an hourly or project rate for their time.Single contract...

What is freelancing? You...

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