
freelancing tips Tag

Teem App Tips: How to Create A Quotation in Just 5 Steps!

A key feature of the Teem application, one that we take great pride in is the ability to create a quotation in just 5 simple steps. As a user of our app, you can rest assured that your business will be made simple with our user-friendly way to handle everything from your business transactions, including generating quotations for clients.  Step 1: Click On the + Sign to Start.  Under the “Quotations” section, click on the plus sign (+) on the right to get started.  Step 2: Give Your Quotation a Project Title.    Step 3: Fill in the Blanks On your right is a self- explanatory section of typing and choosing the necessary information. Choose the respective quotation number, pick which client (after having added...

A key feature of the...

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Say ‘No’ to Freelancing for Free

For some reason, people get confused by the ‘free’ in freelancing. Teamup Team Even after you’ve established yourself as a ‘freelance business’ some clients will ask you to do ‘spec work’, ’wireframes’, or ‘just a quick sketch’ for free. This type of client wants you to prove yourself before beginning a project. Does that sound reasonable? If you’re thinking yes, look at it this way: would you be asking for free appetizers before the main course at a restaurant? Of course not! So how should you respond? For your sake, and the sake of the freelance business community: say, ‘No, thank you.’ Why? Because a client like this who ‘doesn’t know if he/she will like your work’ and who ‘isn’t ready...

For some reason, people get c...

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