
Marketing Tag

Learning with

The best way to become a better business owner is to keep learning. About business, marketing, finances, and anything that can help you run your small business better. We have a great resource to help you do that: A library full of online training courses in various fields. Check it out! المواصلة في التعلم هي أفضل طريقة لتنمو كصاحب عمل. ننصحك بموقع ”دورات“ أول موقع إلكتروني يوفر دورات تدريبية في الشرق الأوسط. الموقع يشمل دورات ومحاضرات وورش عمل من مجلات مختلفة في مكان .واحد. ادخل على الموقع وشوف عروض العودة إلى المدارس! ...

The best way to become a bett...

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Purple Cow: Marketing book by Seth Godin

“The old ways of marketing are dead, and being safe is now too risky. You must be remarkable, you must be a Purple Cow.”Seth Godin For all you business owners interested in innovative ways to market your small business, we have a great resource for you: Purple Cow by Seth Godin. This book will help you transform your business by being remarkable. Seth encourages marketing through innovation, saying that the best way to spread the word about your business is to immerse yourself into creating exceptional things.  We love that it challenges our usual understanding of marketing with smart thinking and lots of great examples. Click the link for a free pdf of the book! ...

“The old ways of marketing ar...

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Recommendation: “This Is Marketing”: Seth Godin Book

Marketing is hard work, and it’s not easy, but it’s is an adventure intended to create meaningful change in the world. If you’re struggling with marketing your business, we have the resource to help you: ‘This is Marketing’ by Seth Godin. The book shares how marketing works to build long term results for your business. It’s an enjoyable read, filled with case studies that are relevant and insightful. We love Seth’s advice and perspective on marketing. Read this book! ...

Marketing is hard work, and i...

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Seth Godin: Marketing Blog

The only way for a business to stand out is to stop advertising and start innovating. You have to be brave in your business’s process.Teamup Team Seth Godin is a professional speaker, writer, and marketing guru. We love Seth’s TED talks, and the short articles on his blog, where he gives great advice on how to tell a great story about your business, how to be remarkable, understanding effective marketing, and so much more. Check out Seth's blog to read more about marketing: ...

The only way for a business t...

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