
Interview with: Batool Miski البتول مسكي ( Freelance Architect and 3D Designer)

Interview with: Batool Miski البتول مسكي ( Freelance Architect and 3D Designer)

عانيت لاكتشاف شغفي في آخر كم سنة، وحسيت بالاكتآب بسبب ضغط السوشال ميديا والمجتمع. فقررت أتعلم مهارة جديدة كل يوم، وبعد فترة اكتسبت أكثر من مهارة. لكن رجع احساس الضياع لأني ما قدرت أختار شي واحد أركز عليه. بعدها فكرت: هل لازم أحد نفسي بشغف واحد؟ ولا هل المجتمع يفرض إني أرتبط بعمل واحد بسبب الاعتقاد أن ”صاحب بالين كذاب“؟ وقتها قررت أجمع كل مهاراتي، وبدأت شركة ”ستيكي آب“ مع أخي. استفدت من كل المهارات إلي تعلمتها، وبنيت شيء يسعدني ويسعد أهلي وكل الناس إلي حولي.

I was struggling to find my passion for the last couple of years. I became depressed because I felt pressured by social media and society. So I decided to learn something new every day, while I was still figuring things out. I was thrilled about the skills I was building, but I felt lost with all the interests I gathered. How can I choose one thing to focus on now? Then I thought: why should I be limited by only one interest? Has society programmed us to think that we can only be good at one thing? So I started thinking bigger and used my skills to start stick_app with my brother.

It all came together when I discovered that I don’t have to be defined by one thing in particular. Remaining true to myself played a big role in my entrepreneurial journey. Everything I learned came in handy when I created a product that brings joy to me, my family, my friends, and everyone around me. Spreading joy through innovative art is such a rewarding feeling.


Teamup is an online tool, created to help small business manage their finances, create custom proposals and contracts with ease and efficiency, so you have time to focus on what you love.

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