
Landing a Full-time Freelance Contract

Landing a Full-time Freelance Contract

The best thing to help you succeed as a freelancer or business owner is to maintain a steady income. One way to do that is by landing a full-time contract/ long-term commission. 

So, when you get a full-time contract opportunity, remember these tips from Scout Books to land that job:

  1. Re-read the requirements more than once. You will notice more details the recruiter wants you to pay attention to.
  2. When applying, always present your best self, giving the hiring manager as few reasons to say no as possible. 
  3. Update your resume, and include a well-written cover letter. 
  4. Show that you can work well within a team. Companies want to know if you will be a good fit.
  5. Highlight relevant special skills, and list everything that makes you the ideal candidate.
  6. Polish your portfolio, and only show only your very best work.
  7. Before you send the application email, spend an hour with a friend going over the materials. (And check for typos!)

Teamup is an online tool, created to help small business manage their finances, create custom proposals and contracts with ease and efficiency, so you have time to focus on what you love.

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