
Business Management Tool Tag

Top Features of the Teem Business Management Tool

Going into Teem’s website, you can see that you have 6 features off the bat. Clients, Expenses, Invoices, Proposals, Quotations, and Taxes. But what you don’t see at first glance is the following helpful features of the Teem application.   1. Converting Quotations to Invoices   One of our great features is the ability to create a quotation to send to any client of yours in 5 easy steps. Another feature is creating an invoice. But, once you’ve made a quotation that your client has approved of, you don’t need to tire yourself by going to the "Invoices” tab and creating a new one. Because with a click of a button, you can turn your quotation to an invoice immediately. Just choose the specific...

Going into Teem’s website, you...

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Teem App Tips: How to Create A Quotation in Just 5 Steps!

A key feature of the Teem application, one that we take great pride in is the ability to create a quotation in just 5 simple steps. As a user of our app, you can rest assured that your business will be made simple with our user-friendly way to handle everything from your business transactions, including generating quotations for clients.  Step 1: Click On the + Sign to Start.  Under the “Quotations” section, click on the plus sign (+) on the right to get started.  Step 2: Give Your Quotation a Project Title.    Step 3: Fill in the Blanks On your right is a self- explanatory section of typing and choosing the necessary information. Choose the respective quotation number, pick which client (after having added...

A key feature of the...

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Teem: Your Small Business Management Tool

Announcement: Team up is Re-branded to Teem App (Online Small Business Management Tool)

YES, we changed our name from Teamup to Teem! And also enhanced the look of our tool with a more user-friendly interface. What does the Teem business management tool do? Same as before. Teem helps small business owners, like yourself, manage their finances, create custom proposals and contracts, with ease and efficiency, giving them time to focus on why they started their dream business in the first place: to wake up every day and do what they love. Try it out for free, and spread the word! ...

YES, we changed our name from...

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Purple Cow: Marketing book by Seth Godin

“The old ways of marketing are dead, and being safe is now too risky. You must be remarkable, you must be a Purple Cow.”Seth Godin For all you business owners interested in innovative ways to market your small business, we have a great resource for you: Purple Cow by Seth Godin. This book will help you transform your business by being remarkable. Seth encourages marketing through innovation, saying that the best way to spread the word about your business is to immerse yourself into creating exceptional things.  We love that it challenges our usual understanding of marketing with smart thinking and lots of great examples. Click the link for a free pdf of the book! ...

“The old ways of marketing ar...

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Get organized with

Organization is key to smooth workflow, and the more your work flows the more you’ll feel like the boss of your business. Teamup Team We have just the tool to help you do that:  Monday (previously known as DaPulse) is an online tool/app that is great in helping businesses and teams (of any kind) organize their work in one beautiful virtual space. You can create task lists, project dashboards, update your team members about work progress, and so much more! They have templates to help you stay focused, and you can customize them depending on what you’re working on. We love it! ...

Organization is key to smooth...

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Running your own freelance business feels great. You have all the creative freedom you want and the flexibility of working for yourself. However, one the biggest challenges you might face is receiving payment for your work on time. Teamup Team Here are some tips to help you get paid: Make it as simple as possible for the client to pay you. For example, when you send an invoice, list your preferred payment options (checks, PayPal, Electronic transfer…etc), or include a link that allows the client to pay with a credit card right away.Don’t wait too long to send your client an invoice for the work is completed. You can also send it before that, as an additional reminder. If not, the client might...

Running your own freelance bu...

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Why Designers Must Learn about Business

Okay, we’re not saying that you need to have a solid business background, but as a designer, you need to understand the business you work for, so you can have insightful conversations, offer valuable input, and help the business succeed.Teamup Team Companies like Airbnb, facebook, google, and slack use design-led solutions to impact the core of their businesses, by having designers focus more on what the business needs than how perfect every pixel looks. How can you do that? Start by figure out what your organization needs in order to grow, and then think about how design can help you achieve that. Learn about business principles; how to choose business models, how to manage teams, how to conduct competitive analysis, how to make...

Okay, we’re not saying that y...

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TEEM App: Small Business Management Tool

Every small business owner knows the struggle of keeping track of your business and creating the work that keeps it running. It’s hard! And if you’re a one-woman company? Difficulty x 5, because you’re not only the founder, you’re also the designer/ accountant/ marketer/ finance person…etc. It’s impossible! How can anyone manage? Don’t worry. We got you. Our tool will help you manage your finances, create custom proposals and contracts, with ease and efficiency, so you can focus on doing what you love. We know you’re a strong and independent BAWS, who doesn't need anyone, but it's okay to get assistance. We’re here to help! Go to for a free trial. ...

Every small business owner kn...

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Grow Your Business in 2019

Failure is part of the process when starting a small business; there’s no avoiding it. However, as a business owner, you can get ahead by learning from others’ mistakes. How? By doing your research to set yourself up for success. And to help you succeed, we’ve done the research for you, and now present to you these tried and tested tips: Automate everything you can, from email replies to your business news, and stay true to yourself—keep people engaged and informed about your business. Grow your audience, by designing a good web page, offering promotions, and running ads to drive people to your business.Learn more about your customer, and record their information. Use demographics to target content and invest your customer service.Optimize...

Failure is part of the proces...

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Tell Better Stories About Your Work

Remember in class, when you had to not only show your final work but give a good presentation about it? This is what you need to do when showing your portfolio to a prospective client. Your portfolio needs your stories; they are what make you stand out. The story behind your designs can transform a potential client’s perspective about them. Teamup Team Here are some tips on how to do that: Design your site to sell your design experience. Show work you did for other clients, and explain how you helped them achieve their vision.Reduce your portfolio to just include work you can tell a complete story about the strategy you used, and the final result. Show design pieces with different stories,...

Remember in class, when you h...

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