
Freelancers in Saudi Arabia Tag

Top Features of the Teem Business Management Tool

Going into Teem’s website, you can see that you have 6 features off the bat. Clients, Expenses, Invoices, Proposals, Quotations, and Taxes. But what you don’t see at first glance is the following helpful features of the Teem application.   1. Converting Quotations to Invoices   One of our great features is the ability to create a quotation to send to any client of yours in 5 easy steps. Another feature is creating an invoice. But, once you’ve made a quotation that your client has approved of, you don’t need to tire yourself by going to the "Invoices” tab and creating a new one. Because with a click of a button, you can turn your quotation to an invoice immediately. Just choose the specific...

Going into Teem’s website, you...

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Tips to start your freelance business

10 Useful Tips to Start Your Freelance Business

You might’ve set your eyes on starting your own business for a multitude of reasons Or maybe you decided to take advantage of the current quarantine situation and make the best out of it (which kudos for you!)   Whatever your reasoning may be, we’re glad you took that first step! The next few steps will involve you brain-storming your way into a fully-fledged freelance business owner. This can be very rewarding since you’ll be your very own boss! Keep in mind though, that from now on, not everything will be sunshine and rainbows, but you will be facing challenging times that will test you and hopefully help you grow as a person and business owner. And we would love to help...

You might’ve set you...

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!عرضك المالي في خمس خطوات فقط مع تيم

تشكل الامكانيات المحدودة مشكلة في بداية العمل الحر والمشاريع الناشئة. لكن محدودية امكانيات مشروعك الناشئ لا يعني محدودية الخدمة الاحترافية المقدمة لعملائك. تيم يتفهم احتياجات اصحاب العمل الحر والمنشأت الصغيرة ويسعى لرفع معايير مشاريعهم الناشئة لمعايير الشركات الكبرى. من خلال خصائص تيم المميزة, قدّم عرضك المالي باحترافية لعميلك وبدون مجهود في 5 خطوات اضغط علامة + للبدء في خانة عروض السعر, اضغط على علامة + للبدء سمّي مشروعك على يمين الشاشة سمّي مشروعك بالاسم الي يناسبك. تسمية المشروع يسهّل عليك التمييز بين مشاريعك القائمة والرجوع لها في وقت آخر ضيف معلومات العرض على يسار الشاشة, خانة لإضافة تفاصيل عرضك المالي عن طريق اختيار اسم العميل المضاف مسبقًا في خانة  عرض سعرإلى (ادخل هنا للتعرف على خطوات  اضافة عميل) ولا تنسى تضيف تاريخ عرض السعر تحت اسم العميل في الخانة التالية, لك...

تشكل الامكانيات ...

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Teem App Tips: How to Create A Quotation in Just 5 Steps!

A key feature of the Teem application, one that we take great pride in is the ability to create a quotation in just 5 simple steps. As a user of our app, you can rest assured that your business will be made simple with our user-friendly way to handle everything from your business transactions, including generating quotations for clients.  Step 1: Click On the + Sign to Start.  Under the “Quotations” section, click on the plus sign (+) on the right to get started.  Step 2: Give Your Quotation a Project Title.    Step 3: Fill in the Blanks On your right is a self- explanatory section of typing and choosing the necessary information. Choose the respective quotation number, pick which client (after having added...

A key feature of the...

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Teem: Your Small Business Management Tool

Announcement: Team up is Re-branded to Teem App (Online Small Business Management Tool)

YES, we changed our name from Teamup to Teem! And also enhanced the look of our tool with a more user-friendly interface. What does the Teem business management tool do? Same as before. Teem helps small business owners, like yourself, manage their finances, create custom proposals and contracts, with ease and efficiency, giving them time to focus on why they started their dream business in the first place: to wake up every day and do what they love. Try it out for free, and spread the word! ...

YES, we changed our name from...

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Running your own freelance business feels great. You have all the creative freedom you want and the flexibility of working for yourself. However, one the biggest challenges you might face is receiving payment for your work on time. Teamup Team Here are some tips to help you get paid: Make it as simple as possible for the client to pay you. For example, when you send an invoice, list your preferred payment options (checks, PayPal, Electronic transfer…etc), or include a link that allows the client to pay with a credit card right away.Don’t wait too long to send your client an invoice for the work is completed. You can also send it before that, as an additional reminder. If not, the client might...

Running your own freelance bu...

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Quit Your Job and Start Your Small Freelance Business.

Having a job makes you feel secure, but you don’y have to stick to it if your passion lies elsewhere. Teamup Team Now, we don’t mean that you should go ahead and quit because your work is not your passion. But if you’d be happier making a living from your side hustle, these steps would help you out in the process: Have a vision. Keep your end goal in mind as you plan for setting up your business. This will help set a clear path for yourself and your company.Decide on the structure of the business. The way your freelance business operates depends on the type of services it offers, so learn what works for you.Set up your finances. Before you begin...

Having a job makes you feel s...

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Mailchimp: Email Marketing

For everyone who’s been asking about business marketing, we are going to recommend you a great source: Mailchimp! It’s an online marketing platform that helps small businesses (like yours) stay connected to their audience and grow their customer base. You can create well-designed email campaigns, keep track of your audience with lists, spread the word with social media and ads, and track how your emails are doing with statistics. The best thing about it is that you don’t need a marketing background to create campaigns, the website is very easy to use with many customizable templates. There’s also a free version with all the basics for startups! ...

For everyone who’s been askin...

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Designers Shaping Business Strategy

Business and design don’t always go hand-in-hand. People usually come up with a business plan first, and then bring a designer to implement. That doesn’t always work. Companies flourish when their products answer human needs. And if you want your business strategy to be inherent in your product, the strategy has to be inherent in the design.Teamup Team So how can your designer shape your business strategy? Designers understand the business landscape differently than the business guys. Where you see increased time on site, a designer might wonder if some interactions could produce less friction. Where you see users, designers see people. A designer will push back on ideas that might undermine the product’s design. He/she will ask questions that help you develop...

Business and design don’t alw...

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