
TEEM App: Small Business Management Tool

TEEM App: Small Business Management Tool

Every small business owner knows the struggle of keeping track of your business and creating the work that keeps it running. It’s hard!

And if you’re a one-woman company? Difficulty x 5, because you’re not only the founder, you’re also the designer/ accountant/ marketer/ finance person…etc. It’s impossible! How can anyone manage?

Don’t worry. We got you.

Our tool will help you manage your finances, create custom proposals and contracts, with ease and efficiency, so you can focus on doing what you love. We know you’re a strong and independent BAWS, who doesn’t need anyone, but it’s okay to get assistance. We’re here to help!

Go to for a free trial.


Teamup is an online tool, created to help small business manage their finances, create custom proposals and contracts with ease and efficiency, so you have time to focus on what you love.

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