
The Best Advice You’ll Ever Hear

The Best Advice You’ll Ever Hear

People keep searching for different ways to get more exposure on social media; finding creative ways to get more followers, clicks, and likes. Those people have forgotten their ‘Why’; the reason they started this business in the first place.

Here’s some of the best freelance business advice we heard:

  1. Not to sound cliche, but Just Do it! Stop asking people if you should start your business, and just go for it. There’s no time like the present.
  2. Remember to mainly do this for yourself, because trying to appeal to all crowds never works, and it’ll only make you miserable.
  3. Look outside your social circle to get real exposure. Talk to magazines, websites, and other people whose work you admire.
  4. Don’t engage your followers. Involve them, so they feel invested in it. Trust us, you will benefit when your target audience becomes part of the business.
  5. If it’s not working, or you’re not actually enjoying it, do like Elsa and Let it Go. Learn from your mistakes, get better, and come back stronger.
  6. We said ‘Let it Go’ but don’t give up. Don’t stop trying. You can even start a new business that is more you or comes back to an old idea but keep going.
  7. Find your people; like minds and other businesses like yours. They’re not your competition, they’re your colleagues. Collaborate!

And if you’re still wondering whether or not to start your freelance or small business, this is your reminder to just do it. Do it for you, feel free to give up if it doesn’t work, but don’t move on until you have given it your best shot.

Teamup Team


Teamup is an online tool, created to help small business manage their finances, create custom proposals and contracts with ease and efficiency, so you have time to focus on what you love.

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